

Country Nutrition Situation

The Global Nutrition Report reveals that Madagascar is currently not on track to meet any of its nutrition-related targets – although four areas are seeing some signs of progress. These include the number of under-fives experiencing stunting or wasting (at 41.6% and 6.4% respectively), but rates for these are equal to or higher than the averages for the overall Africa region. There have also been some improvements in the number of women of reproductive age affected by anaemia. However, in many other targets, Madagascar shows little to no signs of positive change.


Thierry Nohasiarivelo

SUN Business Network Coordinator World Food Programme (WFP)

Governance structure

SBN Madagascar comprises a General Assembly, which meets once a year, and oversees factors such as strategy, activities, and financials.

On a daily level, the network is overseen by an Executive Board, whose President is elected by member voters and holds the position for three years. This individual represents SBN Madagascar in all civil activities, and presents details of the past year’s financials and activities, and an action plan and budget for the forthcoming year, during the General Assembly meeting. A supporting Treasurer and Secretary are also voted in by members of the network.

What is SBN doing in Madagascar

One of SBN Madagascar’s main priorities is to raise awareness around malnutrition and advocate for better diets for the country’s population. It also aims to enhance awareness of nutrition in the workplace to help decrease absenteeism rates and increase productivity, expand the prevalence of food fortification, and improve product nutrition labelling.

To help achieve these goals, the network has outlined five key action areas:

To develop and cement the SBN Madagascar membership base.
To offer advice and support around the development and regulation of nutrition-related policies.
Provide support to actors throughout the food value chain to ensure its robustness and resilience with regards to nutrition.
Work to increase the availability of fortified foods.
Educate to improve awareness around better nutrition and, in turn, increase demand for nutritious foods