The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level. Read More
The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level. At a global level, the SBN acts as a focal point for engaging multinational businesses in nutrition activities such as making workplace nutrition commitments.Read More
The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level.Read More
Emerging networks are in SUN Countries where the government has made a commitment to ending malnutrition through a multi-stakeholder approach and private sector companies have begun to mobilise their support for a multistakeholder, multisectoral approach to improving nutrition. Read More
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Since joining the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in 2012, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has been resolutely committed to addressing the...
Global evidence suggests that healthier diets boost the immune system and overall wellbeing of individuals, but access to healthy diets is also...
Today, 2 billion people suffer from an inadequate diet, and the emergence of COVID-19 is only expected to accelerate the number of...
With over 500 million undernourished people, and nine out of ten of the world’s stunted and wasted children, malnutrition and hunger continue...
In a commendable effort to combat the effects of COVID-19, the Government of Bangladesh has announced a bailout package to support Small...
Our ‘Meet the Coordinator’ series provides a glimpse into what inspires, motivates and challenges our SBN country coordinators. Our coordinators are at...
In Bangladesh, nutritious and safe foods are considered to be expensive and unavailable, hence for most of the low-income population they are...
This article was originally published by the Access to Nutrition Initiative. Together with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI),...
17-18 June 2019, Bangkok, Thailand More than 120 government officials, civil society organisations, private sector members and international donors from across South...