

Country Nutrition Situation

The Global Nutrition Report reveals that Mozambique is ‘on course’ to meet its target for reducing wasting in children under the age of five (currently at 4.4%), and is also making some progress in decreasing the number of infants born with a low weight and increasing the amount of children who are exclusively breastfed for the first five months of their lives. However, the country is making no progress – and in some cases is doing worse – when it comes to other nutrition-focused targets. Although lower than the regional averages, obesity in adult men and women remains high, at 3.3% and 10.5% respectively. The issue of anaemia rates in women of reproductive age continues to be of significant concern, with 51% in the country currently affected. As such, this is a priority focus, along with rates of child stunting – with 42.5% of those under five impacted, one of the highest proportions in the world.


Rafael Ricardo Nzucule

SBN Mozambique Coordinator

Governance structure

In Mozambique, the SBN is co-led by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and WFP. It receives financial aid from the UK government, and is overseen by an advisory board composed of local business and civil society members.

What is SBN doing in Mozambique

SBN Mozambique’s (SBNMOZ) strategy for 2021-2025 is currently in development and awaiting approval.

However, their previous strategy (2018-2020) outlined four key pillars, aimed at enhancing their relationships with private sector actors and encouraging them to play a bigger role in promoting better nutrition for the country’s population. These four priority areas were:

Building the capacity and sustainability of SBNMOZ and encouraging stronger affiliations with the organisation.

Generate demand within the wider population for healthy, nutritious foods through education and awareness.

Small- and medium-enterprise (SME) development – aiding them in obtaining investment and providing knowledge and guidance to enhance their resilience.

Advocacy – championing voices across the food and nutrition sector and working to increase awareness around healthy eating habits to address key nutritional concerns within the population.