The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level. Read More
The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level. At a global level, the SBN acts as a focal point for engaging multinational businesses in nutrition activities such as making workplace nutrition commitments.Read More
The SUN Business Network (SBN) aims to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods to consumers, especially low-income consumers through activities at global and national levels. At a national level, the SBN convenes businesses, assesses technical, financial and other business support service needs for members, and advocates the role of business in addressing nutrition at country level.Read More
Emerging networks are in SUN Countries where the government has made a commitment to ending malnutrition through a multi-stakeholder approach and private sector companies have begun to mobilise their support for a multistakeholder, multisectoral approach to improving nutrition. Read More
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The private sector has an important role in the fight against hunger. Therefore, through our network interventions, such as training, conferences, and technical assistance, the private sector is one step closer to tackling malnutrition and its impacts on Mozambique’s economy. We expect to bring more partners and members to the table, and to be able to create innovative solutions and accelerate the progress towards eliminating malnutrition in the country
Any SME or larger enterprise within the food system chain, along with companies which have a direct or indirect influence on this sector, has the opportunity to join SBNMOZ. However, they must demonstrate a solid interest in aligning with the network’s priorities and aims, and commit to advocating for improving nutrition. Following an application, the SBNMOZ Secretariat will contact the company to discuss the benefits for members and the commitments they are expected to make upon joining. After approval on both sides, a formal acceptance will be made.
Complete the SBNMOZ application form to begin the process:
Product Formulation
Product Pricing
Supporting Staff
Product Distribution
Responsible Marketing Policy, all consumers
Responsible Marketing Policy, all Consumers
Supporting Consumer - Oriented Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle Programs
Product Labeling
Stakeholder Engagement
Product Arrangement
Supporting Consumer - Oriented
Supporting Consumer - Oriented Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle
Supporting Breastfeeding Mothers in the Work Place
Supporting Breast Feeding Mothers in the Work Place
Nutrient Profiling System
Lobbying and Influencing Governments and Policy Makers
Lobbying and Influencing Governments and Policy Makers.
Lobbying and influencing governments and policy makers
Stakeholder engagement
Supporting Staff Health and Wellness