

Country Nutrition Situation

Nepal faces concerns with the prevalence of anaemia among women of reproductive age, according to the Global Nutrition Report, with 35.1% of women aged 15 to 49 years now affected. Further, 21.8% of infants have a low weight at birth and child stunting among children under five years of age is at 36.1%, which is higher than the average for the Asia region (21.8%). Child wasting also poses a threat to nutrition, with 9.6% of children under five years affected. However, Nepal is making progress towards meeting targets for these measures of maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. The country is also on course to prevent the increasing prevalence of overweight in children under five years of age, which is currently at 1.2%. An estimated 5.4% of adult (aged 18 years and over) women and 2.7% of adult men are currently living with obesity, which is lower than the regional average of 8.7% for women and 6.0% for men. At the same time, diabetes is estimated to affect 9.5% of adult women and 11.7% of adult men.


Ms. Shilu Shakya

Business Engagement Specialist World Food Programme (WFP)

Governance structure

Once the network has officially launched, SBN Nepal’s activities will be implemented by SBN members themselves, in close coordination with the SBN Advisory Group under the guidance of Dr. Kiran Rupakhetee, SUN Government Focal Point for Nepal. The SBN coordinator will regularly engage with the private sector, government, civil society, donors, and other networks, to facilitate the smooth implementation and operation of activities.

What is SBN doing in Nepal

Although still in its infancy, SBN Nepal already has big plans for the future – many of which are centered around four key areas:

Mobilisingmembers to educate those in the private and civil society sectors around the importance of nutrition and the role they can play in implementing positive change.

Creating an enabling environment for private sector engagement, so actors understand the vital contribution they can make and are able to start doing so efficiently and smoothly.

Encouraging consumer protection and nutrition awareness, so better point-of-sale decisions can be made by customers that will lead to improved health for themselves and their families.

Generating food safety in the value chain to ensure high standards are adhered to and suppliers and producers work together to provide consumers with nutritious products at an affordable price.