
Country Nutrition Situation

According to the Global Nutrition Report, Tanzania is currently on-track to meet two of its nutrition targets. The number of children under the age of five who are overweight sits at 2.8% and does not look set to increase, while 3.5% of children in this age bracket are affected by wasting – half the average for the Africa region overall. The country also indicates progress in other targets, including the amount of women of reproductive age experiencing anaemia (37.2%) and the percentage of infants born at a low weight (10.5%). While the number of under-fives experiencing stunting has also reduced to 31.8%, this figure is still higher than the average for the Africa region. However, in some other targets, Tanzania shows signs of little-to-no progress. Of the country’s adults, 12% live with diabetes and 17% are obese – although this latter figure is lower than the average for the region.


Ms Haika Malleko

Private Sector Co-ordinator SBN Tanzania

Governance structure

SBN Tanzania is convened by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the World Food Programme (WFP), and receives further support from an advisory group formed of 11 senior business leaders in the food and nutrition sectors. The network is spearheaded by a Co-ordinator who works closely with the country’s SUN Focal Person – who, in this instance, is the Director of Business at the Prime Minister’s Office. On a day-to-day level, the Co-ordinator reports to the Country Director at GAIN and the Global SBN Co-ordinator.

The network also comprises an Advisory Group, whose members advise SBN Tanzania on its activities and recommend potential collaborations with private sector actors and the government to encourage further investments in enhanced nutrition.

What is SBN doing in Tanzania

The network has developed an in-depth strategy to guide their work across three year-long period 2018-2021, which contains seven primary objective with priority initiatives. These are:

Improving nutrition polices and regulations. Working with the government and influential stakeholders to enhance these across the food industry.

Increasing the availability of fortified products and supplements. To allow more individuals to obtain valuable nutrients that are key to fighting nutrition-related health concerns.

Increasing business engagement in the nutrition sector. Improving awareness within the business community on the importance of good nutrition, and encouraging them to make commitments to enhance their practices in this area.

Improving nutrition sensitivity along the agricultural value chain. Engaging actors to make changes that will help improve nutrition outcomes for all and tackle issues such as accessibility and affordability.

Facilitating meaningful partnerships and investment options in nutrition. To help spread the message and encourage positive change.

Increasing nutrition awareness and demand. Engaging businesses and the general public and educating them on the importance of good nutrition.

To assist in achieving these goals, SBN Tanzania is providing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food sector with technical and financial support to help them develop and make compelling changes. In a similar vein, they are also facilitating private sector businesses with links to service providers, financial support services, and regulators.