

Country Nutrition Situation

A focus on better nutrition for all in Cambodia is essential: the Global Nutrition Report reveals that the country is currently not on track to meet any of its nutrition-focused targets. The number of women of reproductive age experiencing anaemia remains high at 47%, while only 65% of infants are exclusively breast-fed during the first five months of life. Among the adult population, 8% are obese, and 14% are affected by diabetes. Although more work needs to be done, there are signs of progress in a couple of areas. The number of children impacted by stunting has lowered, although this still sits at 32% and is 50% higher than the overall average for Asia. Meanwhile, the percentage of infants born at a low weight has also decreased, and now stands at 12%.


Mr. Sok Chea Hak

SBN Coordinator World Food Programme (WFP)

Governance structure

SBN Cambodia is co-convened by WFP and the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD). It also comprises an Advisory Group, made of 15representatives (over 50% of whom are members of the private sector) who meet every three months. They offer guidance to the SBN team on activities they can engage in to continue progressing, and also help to raise awareness within the private sector around the importance of enhanced nutrition.

What is SBN doing in Cambodia

In Cambodia, SBN aims to serveas the key coordination platform through whichactors in the private sector will be able to sustainably contribute to improved nutrition for the country’s population via healthier diets and practices.

In order to help achieve this vision, five strategic pillars have been outlined:

To develop a strong SBN brand and membership

To increase nutrition awareness and demand

To increase the supply of nutritious foods and fortified products to Cambodians

To create and strengthen an enabling environment for improved nutrition

To promote good health and nutrition in communities and workplaces

Actions are already being taken by SBN Cambodia to work towards these, including recruiting and retaining members; educating employers on the importance of workplace nutrition and supporting them in providing staff with healthy food options; and working with businesses to fortify rice.