


SBN Malawi continually seeks opportunities to engage new partners for assistance in driving forward their message on improved nutrition. They currently work with seven organisations/networks to help them achieve this.
  1. The Department of Nutrition, HIV and Aids (DNHA) at the Ministry of Health, provides guidance and supports SBN Malawi in lobbying actors in the private sector to join the network.
  2. The Ministry of Industry provides support by making available databases of potential businesses to join the network.
  3. The SUN Civil Society Network collaborates on the implementation of activities. For instance, SBN Malawi collaborated and conducted cost sharing with the Civil Society Organisation Nutrition Alliance (CSONA) in the recruitment and training of SBN members in workplace nutrition.
  4. Academic institutions offer technical support for SBN activities and also help facilitate training. Lecturers from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, for example, conducted training on the interface of nutrition and business, and workplace nutrition.