
Enabling Business to Advance Nutrition Index (EBANI)

EBANI is a tool to stimulate dialogue between government, business, and other actors to improve the enabling environment for nutrition.

EBANI measures the policy and legislative enablers for increasing private sector investment in safe, nutritious diets across the 30 countries. It has been envisaged as both a global and a national advocacy tool that can help to start conversations and spark ideas around key recommendations to make policy and legislative environments more enabling for businesses, SMEs in particular, to contribute to advancing positive nutrition outcomes. This first round of EBANI has been developed by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network, to provide insights into the nutrition and food policy landscapes in selected countries where national SBNs are present. This includes an overview of the country’s existing policies, measures, and scores relating to the 22 EBANI indicators – examining food and nutrition standards, safety, communication and support for private-sector players, among others.

EBANI provides a starting point for conversations among stakeholders, identifying gaps between what is stated, and what results from existing policies. It is important to emphasise that EBANI is a heuristic tool to support starting policy discussions – rather than a scientifically comparative assessment for ranking and comparing diverse national policy environments.

EBANI Resources 

Explore the wide range of EBANI user resources including a detailed methodology, user guide, as well as the global and country EBANI reports.

 EBANI Methodology  

This document provides an comprehensive overview of the methodology and a indicator-by-indicator breakdown of all country scoring, including references to specific text within policies to support scores, and  explanations of the context and reasoning .


A Brief Guide to EBANI 

This user guide provides an overview of how to use EBANI country reports and provides examples of policies that have been implemented against each of the EBANI indicators.



Global EBANI Report 

This report provides a global view of the EBANI scores and gleans insights into the  enabling environment for private sector investment in nutrition across countries and regions.



EBANI Country Reports

The EBANI national reports available for the 30 countries cover three main sections:

  1. The EBANI Overview sets out the 22 EBANI indicators with a simple explanation behind their inclusion in this index, and what they mean in terms of enabling businesses to advance nutrition. A summary of the methodology is also provided.
  2. The EBANI National Scorecard includes a one-page overview of the country’s existing policies, measures, and scores relating to the 22 EBANI indicators, with sub-scores under each of the 7 categories. It also includes a detailed table with more information under each of the 22 indicators, all of which are scored as either 1 or 0. A full methodology is available to highlight the specific language within policies that drives the EBANI score.
  3. The conclusions and implications  for policy and advocacy are presented, on the basis of the overall EBANI score, and guidance on how to use the content of EBANI for the setting of in-country priorities and convening dialogues for advocacy initiatives, alongside high-level observations and recommendations.

Access all EBANI country reports in the gallery below.